Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Going Home

Ok. So we have been home for 3 days and I am exhausted! Our sleeping is off and it is tough going on little sleep. Scott has been a trooper having little sleep, getting over his allergy troubles and starting back to work on Mon.

Our travel to get home was tough. First on Friday we had to be on a bus for 5 hours to get to Hong Kong. We had to go through customs to get out of China and to go into Hong Kong. It was all in the same building but we had to take all of our luggage off the bus and walk it through customs. Levi DID NOT like having to get in a stroller to get through there and he threw a huge fit. All of the people around us were looking at him like he was pitiful. We all know that the parents are the ones that situation is toughest on. We made it to our hotel about 10 pm and ate supper and in bed by 10:45. We were up at 4 am to catch our flight to Tokyo. Levi hated the seatbelt in the airplane so again we had screaming and crying. Thankfully he went to sleep for about an hour. Overall our trip was 29 hours of and Levi slept maybe 5 hours. He crashed on the last leg to Raleigh and slept all the way home in the van (after he fussed over having to wear the seatbelt in the carseat). Do you see a trend here? He slept all night and met Hope Sunday morning.

Hope is being a good big sister and sharing her toys. She is also sharing Levi's toys but I don't think he minds. He wants to be close to her most of the time. He also will not let Scott or me go far. He has to be near one of us all the time. I guess he didn't get much alone time. Sleeping is tough for all of us and it is an adjustment that I hope will get worked out soon.

Thanks for keeping up with us and I will do my best to blog as I can.

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